Palm City Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

A Palm City workers’ compensation lawyer can help you navigate the workers’ compensation legal system. This system was established to protect workers who have sustained injuries on the job. In Florida, these benefits are provided to injured workers regardless of fault. This means that workers can be eligible for workmen’s compensation regardless of whether or not he is responsible for the accident which led to their injuries.

If you’ve suffered an accident at work and are seeking counsel from a Palm City worker’s compensation lawyer about workers compensation insurance we have a lawyer for workers’ compensation who will be able to answer your questions in more detail. A worker’s compensation lawyer who is familiar with the rules of the board is able to provide a free consultation.

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Are you covered by the workers’ compensation insurance?

Workers may worry that their employer doesn’t have workers’ comp coverage in place, which could leave them at a disadvantage in the event of a serious accident. Fortunately, with the exception of a few specific exemptions, the majority of employers in Florida are covered under the system of worker compensation.

Employers who work in other fields than construction must have workmen’s compensability insurance. Employers who are working in the construction field need to be insured to protect every employee who requires workers’ compensation if they have one or more employees. To clarify the situation, a Palm City workers’ compensation attorney will be able to help.

What Do You Do If You Are You’re injured at work?

If you’ve been hurt in an accident at work, there are some things you need to do. Before you call a workers compensation lawyer it is imperative to notify your employer immediately. This is a matter of telling the immediate supervisor or some other person who is in the position of authority in the office.

It is possible to notify your employer on the phone, in person, or in writing. You must notify your employer immediately and ask them to fill out the notice of injury. This will ensure that your claim will be taken care of by your insurer.

If you’ve sustained an injury, you must also seek medical attention. Go to the on-site doctor in the event that your company has one. If not, you can go to your own doctor. The important thing is to seek medical attention immediately so that the full extent of your injuries are recorded and can not be confronted later. After you have been notified by your employer and have received medical attention, you can consult a personal injury attorney who is well-versed in Florida workplace competitions to get assistance.

Palm City Workers Compensation Lawyer

What is the best moment to report an injury?

Workers who have been injured must notify the employer of the workplace-related injury as soon as they can however, they should report the accident within 30 days after the date the accident occurs. The claim may be denied if not filed a claim within the prescribed time.

What does it mean if the employer refuses to make a report of the injury?

Your employer is also responsible for reporting the accident to them. Employers must be able to report the injury to their insurer quickly in order to ensure your claim is processed in a timely manner and you can begin receiving benefits quickly. If they refuse to declare the claim, you can contact the insurance carrier and report the accident on your own.

The insurance for workers’ compensation information must be posted in the office. It should include the contact details of the insurance company. For assistance, dial Workers Compensation Florida and the Employee Assistance as well as the Ombudsman Office.

What is a Workers’ Compensation Claim the same as a lawsuit?

Anyone who has never been faced with workers’ compensation issues before may be confused. While it might appear that a worker’s compensation claim is the same as a lawsuit against your employer, the reality is completely different. A claim for compensation from a worker is not a case against your employer. It’s a lawsuit against the insurance policy that your employer bought. To find out more about workers’ compensation laws an experienced workers’ comp lawyer can give you a good understanding.

You can sue instead of making a workers’ compensation claim?

Do you have the option of suing your coworker or employer instead of filing a workers’ compensation claim? Unfortunately, no. Workers’ compensation in Florida and the other states is considered to be an exclusive remedy. Employees are not allowed to file an action for personal injury against their employer even if he or she has filed a workers’ compensation claim. The only exception to this is workplace injury claims related to the actions of a third party. These are still able to be brought in court. If a visitor from another company visits your workplace and injures your employees, you could file a civil suit against them, however, not against your employer.

Workers’ Compensation Claim: How do you determine if the claim is at fault?

Unlike many other personal injury matters, for example, the workers’ compensation system is somewhat strange in that it is based on a no-fault basis. Workers’ compensation benefits are able to be paid regardless of who is responsible for the accident. This can be a wonderful feature for employees as it removes the need to place the blame on your boss or fellow coworkers and speeds the process to a halt as an investigation into what caused the accident will not slow the process.

This is also a good thing because employees don’t have to worry about being burdened with a large medical bill when they’re at fault for the incident. The law states that an employee’s fault is only relevant if an employee’s accident was caused by any form of intoxication on the job or by the willful intent to hurt himself or herself. This can result in the refusal of workers’ compensation. If, however, the claim is denied, and the person who is accused of committing fraud certainly consult an Palm City workers compensation lawyer right away.

What advantages does a Palm City Workers’ Compensation Lawyer provide?

The first and most important thing is that employers are required to cover any medical expenses that result from your workplace accident. Additionally, workers can receive an award for the time they miss for these injuries. This will be paid out at 2/3 of your pre-injury weekly earnings. The good news is that workers’ compensation benefits are not tax-deductible. This means that a larger portion than you will receive remains in your pocket. An attorney for workers’ compensation can help with all of this as good lawyers for workers’ comp should be very familiar with ALL aspects of the insurance.

How Long Will You Get Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

In Florida, workers are allowed to keep receiving wage loss benefits regardless of whether they are on a non-work-status or have restricted work hours for light-duty set in place without light-duty alternatives offered by your employer. The workers are entitled to up to 104 weeks’ worth of benefits.

What happens if still hurt after 104 days?

It’s wonderful to know that injured workers are entitled to 2 years of benefits. What happens if, however, you’re badly injured and you don’t recover in 2 years? It could be possible to qualify for permanent disability benefits in this instance. These benefits for total disability permanent can be claimed until the time a person is 75 years old if the injuries are serious enough.

Can You Choose Your Own Doctor?

There are a few exceptions to the general rule but generally, the person doesn’t have the option of choosing his or her own doctor in the workers’ compensation case. The reason for this is that the majority of cases will be settled through the insurance provider. That being said, as the injured person has a right to file a once-only change of doctor request. If your insurance company cannot find a suitable physician within five days, then you can take care of yourself with a physician that you choose. Consider consulting a Palm City workers compensation attorney to get his or her suggestions on what options you have.

What is the maximum time I can make a claim for Palm City workers’ compensation?

The legal deadline to apply for benefits under the law is two years. This can vary depending on your specific situation. Though workers are allowed two years to file claims any delay in reporting an accident to their employer or seeking treatment could seriously hamper or even decrease your chance of claiming benefits. Therefore, it’s important that you take action quickly and contact an experienced Palm City workers’ compensation attorney to begin the claim process. Find out more about the statute of limitations in Florida for workers’ compensation claims.

Can You Be Fired As a result of a Workers’ Compensation Claim?

This is a common worry among injured workers, who are concerned that if they file with a workers’ comp claim they could be punished or even fired by their employer. It is a good thing that there is no reason to worry about losing their job for filing a workers’ compensation claim. If this is an issue, then either the workers’ compensation attorney or the employer has to be educated on the way workers’ compensation insurance is supposed to function.

Florida employers are not allowed to dismiss employees who have filed a worker’s compensation claim with an attorney of their own. Employers would be facing serious civil liability if they fired someone solely for filing a workers’ comp claim. If that happens, the employee could be able to sue the employer for unfair dismissal and may be able to collect damages due to the lawsuit.

If you’ve been injured an on-the-job injury in Palm City and you have notified your employer, and then seeking medical attention, contact a Miami 360 to set up a free consultation on the next step that will allow you to get back your time off from work.

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You can rely on our experience to help you through each step of the claims process.