Our Boca Raton personal injury lawyers help victims to file a claim for compensation following an injury or accident that was the result of negligence. The cases can be filed in civil courts or out of court, subject to the terms of a settlement. Personal injury cases can vary in terms of scope and can be as numerous as it is possible to be injured. Personal injury cases could include lawsuits for injuries from car accidents, medical negligence, premises liability (slip-and-falls) and products liability, and work injuries.

The team of Miami Lawyers 360 is highly adept in dealing with workers’ compensation, auto accidents, and personal injuries. To get a no-cost consultation, contact our Boca Raton personal injury law firm in the event that you have been injured due to the negligence of another.

Table of Contents

When Do You Need to Contact a Boca Raton Personal Injury Attorney?

The quick answer is to act immediately. If you’ve been injured in an Florida personal injury case it is essential to act swiftly. There are a variety of reasons. One of them is that an attorney for personal injuries who is experienced can assist you to file your claim as quickly as is possible.

It can take time to collect medical records, obtain witnesses’ statements and conduct an investigation into the causes of an accident. The lawyer you hire will have to spend more time. It is also important to move fast because evidence is susceptible to disappearing. The lawyer must begin looking immediately to make sure that any evidence, witnesses, or videos are discovered and saved. It is more likely the longer you put off.

The time limit for filing a lawsuit is not something to be concerned about if you do not take action promptly enough. The lawyer you choose will be in a position to monitor your case as well as any deadlines. They’ll also make sure that deadlines are met in sufficient time. This takes the burden off of your shoulders.

What Are the Elements of Liability in a Personal Injury Case?

Your Boca Raton personal injury lawyer has to demonstrate four elements of negligence in order to hold the party responsible accountable and seek compensation.

  • Duty of Care: The responsible person was accountable to ensure your safety. Driving is an example of this obligation.
  • Breach of Duty: The accountable person failed to uphold their duty to care.
  • Causation: Your injury was caused by the defendant’s negligence.
  • Damages: You suffered damages like financial loss or suffering.

Can I File a Lawsuit If I’m Partially Responsible for My Injury?

Personal injuries can be a bit complicated. In certain cases there is a situation where one party is 100 percent responsible and the other party is completely responsible. However, this isn’t always the case.

This could cause serious issues for people who suffer from personal injuries in certain states. They could lose compensation claims. In North Carolina, for example in the event that just 1% of the plaintiff’s fault is discovered the entire claim is dismissed.

Florida is a distinct state. Florida is among the 13 states which have adopted a system that is based on the concept of comparative negligence. This means that anyone is able to assert a claim against another person, even if they’re at least partially responsible for the incident.

This can be illustrated by an instance where a car accident was the result of reckless driving . The victim was discovered to be turning ahead of the driver without a functioning turn signal. The jury may decide that the person who was injured is responsible for 10 percent of the blame for the incident and delegate 90 percent of the blame to the driver who caused the accident. If the jury determines that the case has a value of $100,000, the plaintiff could be awarded $90,000. However the amount he or she receives will be deducted from the amount of damage awarded.

Pure Comparative Negligence

Florida permits someone who is partly responsible for their injuries to claim damages from the state. However the state goes one step further, allowing individuals to sue even if they’re more responsible than another. Florida is a pure law of comparative negligence that permits the plaintiff to seek damages even if they are 100% responsible.

Be aware that the amount an individual can get in these instances will be dependent on the degree of their responsibility. It is essential to find an experienced personal injury lawyer to manage your case.

What Is My Personal Injury Case Worth?

While it’s a popular query, it’s not one which can be answered without knowing the specifics of your particular case. There’s no way to know what an injury case is worth. There are many variables that determine the amount you’ll receive and it’s best to speak with a seasoned personal injury lawyer regarding the specific case you have.

Female Boca Raton personal injury lawyer filing a lawsuit

What Are the Damages I Can Claim in a Personal Injury Lawsuit?

Based on the circumstances of each case, the victims could be awarded three kinds of damages.

Economic Damages

They can be subtracted and added and are clear tangible damage. These include medical expenses as well as doctor’s fees and rehabilitation costs. They also cover damage to property, time off from work, as well as other damage.

Non-Economic Damages

But, the non-economic damage are not quantifiable financially. They comprise pain and suffering and also a decrease in earnings potential. These are things that can be difficult to quantify, so it’s typical for the parties in an injury claim to contest these things.

Punitive Damages

Punitive damages are not designed to compensate victims, as do other kinds of damages. They are only used to penalize the party at fault in specific cases of reckless negligence or deliberate misconduct.

Should You Accept the Initial Settlement Offer?

A lot of claims don’t get to a judge. Boca Raton personal injury attorneys are adept at working with insurance companies to negotiate reasonable settlements. This can save time and money.

While every case is different however, it’s almost never an ideal idea to take any settlement offer. Settlement offers are typically prepared with the knowledge that the opposing party will not accept them and they are usually very low. This allows for negotiation to increase. It is important to not accept an offer until you fully know the extent of your injuries. This could result in serious injuries when you settle a case and later discover that you require medical treatment.

You’ll be accountable for the expenses if the settlement has already been reached. It is essential to seek out an knowledgeable Florida personal injury attorney to evaluate the case, and then discuss settlement options. Our Boca Raton personal injury attorneys have the knowledge and experience to assess whether the settlement offer is fair. They can also assist you determine whether accepting the offer makes sense.

What Is the Deadline to Make a Personal Injury Claim in Florida?

It is essential to file on time when filing an injury claim in Florida. Since the statute of limitations provides plaintiffs with a time frame to bring lawsuits which is vital. Injured victims in Florida have four years to bring a lawsuit against the accountable party. The time frame can vary based on the situation and nature of the injury. In the case of deaths caused by negligence, the family of the victim has just two years to take action.

What If the Statute of Limitations Expires?

The limitations statutes are crucial and stop people from filing lawsuits for years or even years after the fact. Your claim is dismissed by the court if you do not file after the statute of limitation has expired. The good news is that the statute doesn’t require that the case be resolved within the stipulated period.

Contact Our Boca Raton Personal Injury Lawyers

The team at Miami Lawyers 360 can help you if you’ve been hurt by someone else’s recklessness or negligence. We are committed to providing outstanding results, personalized attention, and an uncompromising commitment to integrity. We are accessible 24/7. To get a no-cost case review with a Boca Raton personal injury lawyer, contact us!

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You can rely on our experience to help you through each step of the claims process.