Hollywood Car Accident Lawyer

If you have been in a car crash in Hollywood, Florida, and suffered injuries, you might not be aware of the need for a lawyer. You may think that you’re in a position to manage the situation yourself. It’s definitely possible, there are some benefits to having a good Hollywood car accident lawyer fighting in your corner.

For one thing, a Florida auto accident attorney is well-versed in the law. Through years of education, attorneys are able to apply their knowledge in real-life situations which often involve hundreds or even thousands of cases similar to theirs. This kind of experience is hard for a novice to replicate and provides huge advantages. They are able to comprehend the ins and outs of a complex process that personal injury lawyers manage.

Hiring a reputable personal injury firm and speaking with a good car accident lawyer can be an enormous benefit. It is, however, essential to find a seasoned professional to take some of your burden from your shoulders. An attorney who has experienced it before will be able to assist you in your case without having to do all the tasks of remembering deadlines, filing paperwork, responding to requests, and, perhaps most importantly dealing with insurance companies and adjusters.

Our Hollywood personal injury lawyers at Miami Lawyers 360 will assist you in arranging all the components of your claim process. This will enable you to concentrate on healing from the injury and continuing to live your life.

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What Should You Do After a Car Accident?

Car accidents are dealt with by personal injury lawyers every day. And as you could guess accidents in Florida happen frequently. Before you call a Hollywood car accident lawyer, you need to decide whether you’d like to seek medical attention if you’ve been involved in a crash.

Get Medical Care

You should immediately get medical help if the accident was serious. This is essential for a variety of reasons. First, seeking treatment quickly improves your odds of minimizing harm and recovering more quickly. It also records your injuries immediately, creating a paper trail that can prove useful later on. It also prevents the insurer of the other party from asserting that your injuries weren’t caused by the incident.

Even if your accident was not severe enough to warrant a trip to the doctor, there are still actions you can take in order to prepare for a possible future car accident claim.

Exchange Contact and Insurance Information

First, you should exchange contact and information with the other driver. It is essential to share insurance information and contact details with the other driver. This will allow the insurance company you have to file an injury report. This can help you and your lawyer know whom to call. It’s also crucial to collect the contact information of anyone who might have been present at the time of the incident. They may be of help in the future if there is a dispute about what took place.

Gather Evidence

Take pictures of both vehicles and the scene of the accident if possible. Also, note the details you can think of as soon as you can after the incident. If the driver in the other vehicle was distracted or using a cell phone or if they were speeding or if the weather was not ideal, all these details might be relevant later on, but they are likely to be forgotten after the rush of an accident. Note down as many details as you can soon after a crash.

It’s true when people say that pictures are worth more than a thousand words, perhaps even two thousand. If there is a dispute regarding the incident or if the opposing side claims that it was not as serious as you think, photographs can be a powerful option to settle the dispute. A photograph of a vehicle that has been crushed can provide a judge or jury with the details they require about how serious the accident was. Photographs can also be used to illustrate the severity of injuries.

If possible, take photos of the incident to show your lawyer. Go around the car with your camera or smartphone and take pictures as you move. Making a few photos of the other car(s) involved in the accident could be useful as can more general photos of the scene of the accident. However, remember that safety is far greater than commemorating the car crash. If it’s dangerous to do so, don’t leave your car or take photos. This could cause damage from a crash.

What Are Florida’s No-Fault Auto Insurance Laws?

It is important that you understand that Florida treats car accident cases differently from other states. Florida is among the 12 states with no-fault car insurance laws. These laws, which came into effect in the late 1970s were designed to make it faster and simpler to claim damages following a car accident.

Florida law mandates that drivers buy personal injury coverage (also called “PIP”). This will cover medical expenses loss of wages, medical expenses, and other associated costs, regardless of who was accountable for the crash. That means that your insurance company must pay you for your losses, regardless of the person who caused the accident.

Frontal collision, concept of Hollywood car accident lawyer

What Factors Influence the Value of an Auto Accident Claim?

It is a question every Hollywood car accident lawyer is likely to be asked. Many victims of car accidents are eager to learn what the worth of their case might be. It’s difficult to answer this question in an overall manner since each case is unique.

But, there are certain types of damages that determine the value of a case involving a car accident. A lawyer can assist you in understanding these categories to give you a better idea of what your case might be worth. They include medical bills from the past as well as future medical costs. lost wages/time away from work loss of future earning capacity, pain, and suffering.

Certain factors will be considered when determining the ultimate value of any compensation you are owed. This includes your injuries, the circumstances of the crash, your degree of liability for the accident, your employment history, and your ability to continue earning a living or your way of life, as well as your life expectations.

All these things go into the complex mix of factors that are considered when deciding much to award in compensation for the victim of a Florida car accident case. This is the reason why a reputable attorney is an invaluable source of advice.

How Long Will It Take to Settle a Car Accident Case in Hollywood, FL?

This is another impossible issue to be answered without knowing the particulars of your case. Even with specific details such as these, a car accident lawyer might not be able to estimate with much accuracy how long it will take to resolve. Since every case is unique depending on your actions, the insurance adjusters, and the opposing party. A myriad of unknown factors could delay your claim or accelerate it. Generally, car accident claims can be settled in as little as a few months or they may go to trial, which could take many years.

What Happens If the Car Accident Case Goes to Court?

There is a belief that all car accident cases will be decided by an audiencia or a juror. This is a fact that many people worry about and want to avoid. The good news about car accident cases in Hollywood is that they’re almost completely settled before trial. Negotiation can usually resolve claims, which can help both parties save time and money.

A small percentage of cases will ever have to go before the judge. That being said you don’t know beforehand the specific claims that will need to be argued in court this is why it’s so important that your car accident lawyer be comfortable with negotiating a settlement and presenting the case in court.

How Long Do You Have to File a Florida Car Accident Claim?

It’s an unfortunate reality that victims of automobile accidents don’t have unlimited time to recover and heal before deciding what they’d like to do with their case. This is because the claims arising from car accidents are dependent on a specific state law restricting the time an individual has before they are unable to file a claim for damages. This is known as the statute of limitation and it is intended to cut off how long one has to be able to wait before filing a lawsuit after suffering an injury.

There isn’t a universal statute of limitation. It differs based on the place you live and what type of injury you suffer. Personal injury claims against the responsible party are required to be filed within four years after the date of the injury in Florida. Individuals have four years after the date of injury to bring uninsured/underinsured claims against their own insurance company. For more details on this matter contact a Hollywood auto accident lawyer today.

Contact a Hollywood Car Accident Lawyer Today

If you have been injured in an accident, you should contact an experienced Hollywood car accident lawyer to review and handle your case. There are many crucial decisions to take in the near future. Call Miami Lawyers 360 at (786) 686-2857 for a free consultation.

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You can rely on our experience to help you through each step of the claims process.