Hollywood Personal Injury Lawyer

Our Hollywood personal injury lawyers help victims file a claim for compensation following an injury or accident that was caused due to negligence. These lawsuits can be filed in civil court proceedings or out of court in a settlement. Personal injury cases are as varied as the options for a person to get hurt. Some common examples of personal injury cases are injuries from car accidents and medical malpractice cases, premises liability cases (such as slip-and-falls) and product liability cases, and workplace injury cases.

Our team at Miami Lawyers 360 is highly proficient in handling cases involving workers’ compensation, automobile accidents, and many kinds of personal injuries. If you were hurt by the negligence of another, you should contact our Hollywood personal injury law firm to schedule a free consultation.

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How Soon Should You Get in Touch With a Hollywood Personal Injury Attorney?

The simple answer is to take action now. If you’re injured in an Florida personal injury situation it is essential to act quickly. There are many causes. The first, the earlier you get in touch with an experienced personal injury lawyer, the quicker the lawyer will begin to gather the evidence needed to make the claim.

It can take time to gather medical records, collect witness statements, as well as investigate what led to the circumstances of the accident. The lawyer you hire will have to be patient. Also, you must move quickly since evidence could easily vanish. If you can get your lawyer to start investigating, the greater chances that witnesses or photos or videos are still in circulation and could be kept. It’s more likely the longer it takes.

The sooner you get in touch with an attorney for personal injury in the earliest possible time, you’ll be able put aside the issue of the statute of limitations. Your lawyer will then be aware of the situation and the deadlines for important events and will make sure that these deadlines are all completed with enough time to be left. This will take the burden off of your shoulders.

How Do You Prove Fault in a Personal Injury Case?

In order to hold the liable party accountable and receive compensation, your Hollywood personal injury lawyer has to prove the four elements of negligence:

  • Duty of Care: The at-fault party was responsible for ensuring your safety. Driving is an example of this responsibility.
  • Breach of Duty: The accountable party was not upholding the obligation of care.
  • Causation: Your injury was caused by the other party’s negligent behavior.
  • Damages: You suffered damages like financial losses and pain.

Can I Still File a Lawsuit Even If I’m Partially Responsible for My Injury?

Personal injury cases can be complicated. In some cases it is the case that one party is 100 percent responsible and the other party is completely blamed. It’s not always the case.

This can lead to serious issues for people who suffer from personal injuries in some states. They may lose compensation claims. In North Carolina, for example, if just 1% of plaintiff’s fault is found that they are at fault, the whole claim is thrown out.

Florida is a different state. Florida is one of the 13 states which have adopted a system that is based upon comparative negligence. It means that any person can file a lawsuit against another person, even if they’re partially responsible for the accident.

A good illustration of this is if there is an auto accident that was caused by an inconsiderate, speeding driver, but where the victim was found to have turned in front of the driver in the absence of a functioning turn signal.

In this instance, the jury may decide that the person who was injured is responsible for 10 percent of the damage while appointing 90 percent of the blame to the speeding driver. If the jury determines the case has a value of $100,000, the plaintiff could be awarded $90,000. However, the percentage of the plaintiff will be reduced by the amount of damage awarded.

Pure Comparative Negligence

Florida permits someone who is partially responsible for their injuries to seek damages from the state. However the state goes a step further and allows someone to sue even though they’re more at fault than the other. Florida has a pure comparative negligence system that allows individuals to pursue damages even if they’re 99% responsible.

It’s important to remember that in these cases, the amount the person can recover is reduced according to his or her degree of fault. It is crucial to choose an experienced personal injury lawyer to handle your case.

What Is My Personal Injury Case Worth?

Although this is a question that a lot of people are keen to find what the answer is, the reality is it is impossible to answer after hearing more about your situation. There is no way to figure out what a personal injuries case is worth. There are a variety of factors that influence the amount you’ll get as a result, and it’s always best to consult an experienced personal injury lawyer for the specific case you have.

Hollywood personal injury lawyer meeting a man with a broken arm

What Kind of Damages Can I Seek in a Personal Injury Case?

Based on the circumstances of each instance, victims could be awarded one of three kinds of damages.

Economic Damages

Economic damages refer to tangible things such as things you can add or subtract, and clear expenses that leave enough room for discussion. They include medical bills or doctor’s charges, as well as rehab costs. They also cover property damages, time off from work and other damages.

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic losses, on the contrary, can’t be determined financially. These include things such as pain and lower earning capacity. These can be hard to assess, and it’s typical for the parties in an injury lawsuit to dispute these things.

Punitive Damages

Unlike the previous two types of damages, punitive damages are not meant to pay the victim. They are only used in certain cases to penalize the party at fault for gross incompetence or deliberate misconduct.

Should You Accept the First Settlement Offer?

Many claims do not make it to a judge. Hollywood personal injury attorneys are skilled in working with insurance companies to come up with reasonable settlements. This will save you time and money.

While every case is unique however, it’s almost always not a good idea to take any settlement offer. These settlement offers are usually created with the expectation that the other side will be resistant and they are usually very low. There is room for negotiation to increase. You should not accept an offer before you fully comprehend the severity of your injuries. This could lead to serious injuries when you settle a case and then discover that you require further medical treatment.

You’ll be accountable for any costs incurred if the settlement is already made. In this regard, it’s vital that you get an knowledgeable Florida personal injury lawyer review your case and any settlement offer. Our Hollywood personal lawyers will have the knowledge and expertise to know whether the settlement offer is reasonable and assist you in making an informed decision about whether you should accept the offer. most sense for you.

What is the Deadline to Submit a Personal Injury Claim in Florida?

It is essential to be punctual when submitting an injury claim in Florida. This is because the statute of limitations establishes a deadline for plaintiffs to start lawsuits. In Florida, victims of personal injury are granted four years after the date of the injury to file a lawsuit against the person responsible. This can change depending on the circumstances and type of injury. In cases of wrongful death the family of the victim is given just two years to file a claim.

What Happens If the Statute of Limitations Expires?

The limitations statutes are crucial and stop people from filing claims for years, or even decades, after the event. The claim you file will be denied by the court if you do not file it until the statute of limitation has expired. The good news is that this statute does not require that the case be resolved by that time.

Get in Touch With Our Hollywood Personal Injury Lawyers

Our team at Miami Lawyers 360 can help anyone who has been hurt by someone else’s inattention or recklessness. We are committed to providing outstanding results, personal attention, and unequivocal integrity. We are on call 24/7. Contact us today for a free case review with a Hollywood personal injury lawyer!

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