Danger In The Kitchen
- Personal Injury
Using an oven is something that many of us do every day – and we rarely think twice about it. We use them to cook our food, reheat leftovers, and then, on occasion, we even set it to clean itself. For some owners of a Kenmore oven, however, this last step has become problematic. According to this report of consumer complaints and problems with a particular brand and style of self-cleaning oven, despite using the product according to the directions in the user’s manual, one owner of this oven recently experienced what could potentially have been a much worse incident when the glass oven doors exploded during self-cleaning. Investigators who looked into the matter found that there have been concerns about similar incidents for years and that many people have been hurt during this timeframe by the explosions and shattered glass.
Who Bears The Blame?
It is not hard to imagine that some of these accidents could be and may have been quite serious, especially when you realize that small children are often attracted to glass oven doors and are basically at eye level with the doors themselves. Add that to the tendency of just about everyone to peek into an oven through the door and the potential for injuries rises greatly. According to the report, the manufacturer stated that imperfections in the glass could be the cause of the oven door explosions that happen within a year of purchase, and that in those cases, the warranty would cover it. However, if it is after that first year, they allegedly blame it on damage to the glass during use.
Ovens Can Be Replaced – But What About The Victims?
While the article goes on to include advice from the manufacturer about how to prevent the shattering and information about repair and replacement, the bigger concern, it seems, would be the potential for serious physical harm in these cases. Personal injuries suffered as a result of shattering glass are a real concern. The question would then be exactly what responsibility the manufacturer would have with respect to damages for personal injuries. Typically, when a product is found to be defective, a manufacturer would likely bear at least some responsibility when accidents happen due to the defect. It is important to note, though, that even if a party is found to be wholly liable for personal injuries due to a defective product, a plaintiff will likely be barred from any kind of recovery if their lawsuit is not filed in a timely manner. The law places limits on the time you have to file against a party for personal injuries. These time limits, or statutes of limitation, depend upon the type of action filed. According to Florida Code Sections 95.11(3)(a), 95.11(3)(c), and 95.11(3)(e), for categories of lawsuits that could potentially be filed for product liability cases – including those based on negligence, or matters surrounding the design or manufacture of improvements to either real property or to personal property (such as fixtures) that are not permanent improvements to real property – a plaintiff must commence the action within four years of an accident.
Do Not Let Your Window Of Opportunity Close
If you have suffered personal injuries as a result of a defective product, a legal professional who is experienced with personal injury law will be your best source of information about what remedies are available to you and how to maneuver an often-tricky legal system. Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer today to learn what you need to do to pursue your rights and get the relief you deserve.